Ikpe nke guilin Hongcheng lime vetikal igbo
Lime bụ ụdị gas na cimengic ciment na calsium oxide dị ka isi ihe, nke na-arụ ọrụ dị oke mkpa na ịchafụ ọnụ. Kedu ihe bụ ọrụ lime ntụ ntụ na usoro nke nchara? Kedu ihe igwe eji eme ihe ngbanwe nke ntụtụ?Guilin Hongcheng lime na-ata ihena-ewebata teknụzụ nhazi nke lime ntụ ntụ maka mmagharị.
Mmetụta 1. Gịnị ka usoro nchara na-eji lime ntụ ntụ iji nwee?
(1) Iwepụ sọlfọ, phosphorus, silicon, arsenic na ihe ndị ọzọ na-emerụ emerụ na-abụkarị usoro iji kpokọta ha na ihe ndị mmadụ na-eme ka ọ dị iche iche . Agbanyeghị, mgbochi Calsium, yana isi mmalite ya nke akụrụngwa na ọnụahịa kwesịrị ekwesị, nwere ike itolite ogige dị iche iche site na mkpokọta nke s, p, si na dịka.
(2) Decarbobization: Nsonaazụ nke Metallurgy Gosipụta na Menconation Iron na-enweghị isi, oxygen mbụ nke slag carbon, na ntọala nke slag / Sio ₂ maka slag iron Omede na mmeghachi omume mmeghachi omume na-eme mmeghachi omume nwere mmetụta dị mkpa, na-abawanye cam na slag, na-eme ka ọ dị mma.
(3) Igwe ọkụ na-echebe: feccị ihe acidic fesh ₂ o ₃ na nsị na dio ₂ nwere ike imeghachi na alkaline osisi na-adị mfe iji kpochapụ mkpuchi ọkụ. Dinggbakwunye calcium olide, ihe ndị a na-eme ka ọgwụ a na-eme ihe na calum oxi. Ya mere, na-amalite site na nchedo ọkụ, a na-eji ihe dị ọcha, a na-eji ihe slag, nke nwere ike belata ọsọ ọsọ nke ọkụ.
(4) belata ígwè na-aghọ ihe: Ihe acidic na slag fe ₃ na Sio ₂ nwere ike imeghachi na alkaline osisi na-adị mfe iji kpoo mkpuchi ọkụ. Dinggbakwunye calcium olide, ihe ndị a na-eme ka ọgwụ a na-eme ihe na calum oxi. Ya mere, na-amalite site na nchebe mkpuchi, a na-eji ihe dị ka sọlfọ, nke nwere ike iji nwayọọ nwayọọ nwayọọ na-agbada oke mkpọchi nke ọkụ. A na-eji lime ntụ ntụ na mmiri ma ọ bụ mmiri na-eme ihe dị ka ihe na-eme mkpọtụ na-eme ka sọlfọ ma ọ bụ phosphorus na-awụfu ma ọ bụ mmiri.
2. Kedu ihe igwe eji eme ihe maka ịhazigharị lime?
Ọdịmma nke wayo ntụ ntụ e ji eme ihe na igwe igwe ihe na-abụkarị ihe dị ka nde 150, yana ego nke lime ntụ ntụ na-buru ibu dị elu. Igwe na-egweri nke Guilin Hongcheng Mill nwere uru ndị na-esonụ:
Nka na ụzụ nke Trulin Hongcheng vertical igbo
(1) Usoro dị mfe na-asọ, obere ngwa agha, na-eji obere mpaghara;
(2) Nchedo gburugburu ebe obibi, arụ ọrụ usoro niile, arụrụla mmiri, arụ ọrụ na-emetụta ọkọlọtọ nke mba 30 mg / m3, mkpọtụ dị ala, mkpọtụ ahụ dị ala;
(3) Akụrụngwa na-enweghị ike belata pere mpe, akụkụ nke akụkụ dị ike nwere ike ịrụ ọrụ karịa afọ abụọ;
(4) A na - emepụta usoro ndị ọkachamara na - emepụta, yana usoro nrụpụta ahụ na - arụ ọrụ dị elu, yabụ arụmọrụ sistemụ arụmọrụ na - arụ ọrụ awa 24 na - enweghị ike iru karịa 95%;
(5) ike na-echekwa na ịchekwa ọkụ eletrik, ma e jiri ya tụnyere akụrụngwa ndị ọzọ nwere ike ịchekwa ihe karịrị 50% nke ọkụ eletrik.
(6) Ezi egweri ihe dị mma: sistemụ usoro nwere ikike dị ukwuu (mmepụta nke nnukwu ngwa nwere ike iru ihe karịrị 100 tọn), arụmọrụ nwere ike imezu mkpa ọ dị;
(7)Compared with other equipment at home and abroad, the whole system is simple, convenient operation and maintenance, the professional requirements for operators are not high, generally suitable for the preparation of lime powder in various types of domestic enterprises, and can save labor costs; Less equipment loss, less iron pollution, the color of the grinding product will not change, the whole process is closed negative pressure operation, do not discharge dust, and will not bring in pollutants.Consulting the price of Guilin Hongcheng lime vertical grinder, welcome to contact email: mkt@hcmilling.com
Oge Post: Mar-06-2024