Bacriminta fosfooraska waa bacriminta ugu weyn ee loo adeegsado beeraha xilligan, oo ay muhiim u tahay koritaanka dalagyada. Soosaarka bacriminta fosfooraska lama kala saari karo geedi socodka fosfooraska rock shiididda. Waa maxay doorka gaarka ah ee bacriminta fosfooyinku? Why should phosphate rock be used to grind phosphate fertilizer? MaxayPhosfoon
Bacriminta fosshate-ka waxay door muhiim ah ka ciyaaraan beeraha. Phosphorus is a component of important compounds in plants, which can form nucleic acids, nucleoproteins, phospholipids, phytochemicals, high-energy phosphate compounds and coenzymes. Phosphorus can increase the content of soluble sugar and phospholipids in plants, while soluble sugar can reduce the freezing point of cell protoplasm, and phospholipids can improve the adaptability of cells to temperature changes, thus enhancing the cold resistance of crops. It can also strengthen photosynthesis and carbohydrate synthesis and transport, promote protein synthesis, enhance nitrogen fixation of legume crops, and promote fat metabolism. In addition, phosphorus can also enhance the adaptability of crops to acid and alkali changes, so applying phosphorus fertilizer on saline-alkali land can improve the saline-alkali resistance of crops. Sidaa darteed, soo saarista dalagyada looma kala saari karo bacriminta fosshate.
Noocyada bacriminta fosfooyinku sidoo kale way kala duwan yihiin. The common ones are water-soluble phosphate fertilizer, calcium magnesium phosphate fertilizer, phosphate rock powder, polyphosphate and ammonium polyphosphate. Waxaa ka mid ah, budada rodosshate dhagaxa ah waa budada fiican ka dib markii fosfooraska fosfooraska ay si toos ah u jaban yihiin fosfooraska rockshiidi dhalaalka. The use of phosphate rock powder has a long history. About 6 million tons of phosphate rock powder are directly used as phosphate fertilizer in the world every year. Why should phosphate fertilizer be ground with aPhosfoon? As we all know, the main source of phosphorus is phosphate rock. Phosphate fertilizer is one of the main products of phosphate rock deep processing. The raw materials of these different kinds of phosphate fertilizers described above are phosphate rock. It can be said that the crushing and grinding of phosphate rock is the front end of the phosphate fertilizer industry.
Noocee nooc ah PhosfoonQalabka ayaa ku habboon budada rodosfooraska fosfooraska ee loo isticmaalo bacriminta fosfooyin? HCMilling(Guilin Hongcheng) specializes in the production of energy-saving and environment-friendly phosphate rock grinding equipment, and has a high market share in the phosphate rock processing industry. CusubTaxanaha HCpendulumfosfooraska rog rogy raymondiyoHlm fosfooraskaroller toosanwarshad wax lugu shiidohorumariyey oo soo saaray HCMilling (Guiln Hongcheng) waa xulashooyin ku habboonPhosfoon. Not only is the performance of the equipment stable, but also the output per unit is higher than that of the same type of equipment, which can create more economic value. There is no need to worry about the environmental protection. The full negative pressure system operates in a sealed manner, and there is almost no overflow of dust. Why should we usePhosfoon Bacriminta fosfooraska? HCMILLING (Guiln Hongcheng) '' Mashiinka mashiinka mashiinka shiida ee cusub ayaa kaa caawin doona inaad si habsami leh u garto.
Finally, the use of phosphate fertilizer reminds us that we must fertilize according to the soil, that is, select different phosphate fertilizer according to the type of soil. Bacriminta sidoo kale waa in lagu dabaqaa iyadoo loo eegayo baahiyaha dalagyada, si bacriminta fosfooraska ah ay ku ciyaari karaan door fiican. Codsiga isku-darka nitrogen iyo fosfooraska, qoondaynta macquulka ah iyo hufnaanta bacriminta ee la wanaajiyey. Waxaa la arki karaa in bacriminta fosshateedu weli door hoggaamineed ka ciyaara beeraha. Waa maxay sababta loogu talagalay bacrimiyaha fosshate-ka oo leh Phosfoon
Waqtiga Post: Feb-06-2023